Our stock is constantly changing but we always have plenty in store
If you need affordable furniture, appliances or other household items we have a fantastic variety on offer – from modern and vintage to antique and collectable.
We stock tables, chairs, beds, chests of drawers, cupboards, wardrobes. We also stock appliances – cookers, washing machines, driers, fridges and freezers and smaller electrical items such as lamps, toasters and kettles.
In addition to donated, second-hand goods we also now have a selection of brand new orthopaedic mattresses and beds, in a range of sizes and all at lower than internet or high-street prices.

Check our Facebook page for updates on our latest stock or pop in to browse for bargains at our warehouse on Back Gladstone Street.
Delivery will cost no more than £15 to anywhere in the Harrogate Borough area and there are concessions on this cost.
Please also see our terms and conditions of sale.
We are open to everyone but run a two-tier price system.
Anyone in receipt of a means tested benefit or on a low income (less than £21K for an individual or £26k for a couple) can register with us to receive a 35% discount. You will need to provide proof of income or that you receive a means-tested benefit.